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Monday, December 28, 2015

It’s a Before and After Transformation You’ve Got to See!

It’s a Before and After Transformation You’ve Got to See! wjfigw4q3

A transformation–is your home in desperate need of one? Do you live your life under the control of your windows? If so, you aren’t alone, but you need to know that solutions are out there that will change your home and your lifestyle! Are you ready for a transformation that recreates your living space–that contours to your lifestyle? Light control is where it’s at. The way the light interacts with your home has a huge effect on your living space and your life. Take a look at the dramatic changes made to this living room with window shades and see if your home could benefit from the “after” effects of this “before and after” transformation.

It’s Out of Control.

before and after living room no window shadesIs this your home? Do you feel as if you could be the “before” of a “before and after” photograph? Do you live without a barrier between yourself and the outside world, besides the glass of your windows? Like we’ve said: You’re not alone. So many of our clients have been in this situation, and it typically boils down to one–or all–of these three reasons: You don’t know which window coverings to choose, you don’t have time to shop for solutions, and you just haven’t gotten around to checking it off of your to-do list. We get it. Life is busy. Here’s the problem. If you live for an extended amount of time without window coverings, you start to let the light control you, instead of the other way around. You start to live your life in certain parts of your home based on the time of day. Your lifestyle is at the mercy of the outside world–and so are your valuables. You can’t escape the direct sunlight, the glare or the prying eyes–without window coverings, your privacy and comfort is non-existent. It’s time for you to take charge, and we can help. You need to be our next before and after transformation!

Too Busy? We’ve Got a Solution.

Window coverings are an investment. You know that you want to find the perfect choice for your home, and in doing so, you want to make sure you’re selecting solutions that will meet your needs and your home’s unique design. Taking time out of your busy schedule to research solutions, discover the latest designs and then spend days shopping–well, it’s just not an option. We know that. That’s why we come to you. We bring design options, sample books and loads of advice to help you decide what to choose. We work around your schedule and you can shop-at-home with one of our design consultants. Remember those three reasons for not having the home of your dreams? They are all taken care of with one phone call.

Be the “After”.

before and after living room window shadesNobody wants to remain the “before” of a “before and after” transformation once you see what can be done. It’s exciting. It’s refreshing. It’s relieving. You get the home of your dreams, and you get to take charge of your life. What’s better than that? We love the results of this living room–it’s a beautiful space made even better with window shades that fit the design and function of this home. The breathtaking view is still there, even with window shades. Silhouette window shadings are one choice in a variety of window coverings that give you the option to enjoy maximum view-through while also cutting the glare and providing valuable UV protection for your furnishings–all at the same time. The natural light should be welcomed in, based on your preferences. Your comfort is important, and that means privacy and light control should be at the top of your list of needs. With many options for adjustment and operation, you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for. And that’s what we’re here for. We can guide you–based on your individual wants and needs–to make the best choices for your home. It’s a before and after transformation you’ll be happy to be a part of!

At Metropolitan Window Fashions, we want you to achieve the home of your dreams. That means taking charge, finally getting past the excuses and living your life the way it should be. We want to help you. The first step is to make a free appointment to conquer your fears and move past your obstacles! We will come to you with solutions and choices to make your home all it can be. Ready to be our next before and after transformation? Contact our team today to get started!